Microdermabrasion is a procedure that exfoliates and removes the superficial layer of dry, dead skin cells. It is a quick, no downtime procedure that renews the skin by lifting dead cells off the skin’s surface by means of a gentle polishing with crystals. With a series of microdermabrasion procedures, you can quickly achieve a substantial improvement in the appearance of superficial lines and uneven pigmentation, while making your skin look and feel softer, smoother, and more radiant. Acne Scars and enlarged pores may become less noticeable, and acne breakouts may be reduced. At Appleskin, we use a medical microdermabrasion device, which is able to perform a much stronger exfoliation that can treat and assist in improving the appearance of stretch marks and deeper wrinkles.
Patients with fine lines, uneven pigmentation or clogged pores may benefit most from a series of microdermabrasion treatments.
Microdermabrasion can be performed alone or in combination with the numerous other treatments that we offer at Appleskin clinic. For maximal benefit, 6-8 in-office professional microdermabrasion procedures every 2-4 weeks should be teamed with an anti ageing optional extra or laser treatments to create an environment in which the skin is continuously rejuvenated.
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