MesoBotox involves injecting multiple small doses of Botox into the skin of the face to reduce the action of sweat and sebaceous glands as well as the superficial layer of facial muscles. MesoBotox seeks to preserve the natural beauty. It involves diluting very small amount of Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX) with a larger amount of skin hydrating agents like vitamins and minerals. This concoction is then injected into the skin in a mesotheraputic way in order to achieve filler effect of reducing fine lines and wrinkles which are due to attachment of small muscle fibers to the skin that pull the skin and create both lines which cannot be treated by any other means. By adding vitamins and minerals to the skin that achieves re-hydration and the total effect is smoother and plumper skin without the very fine criss cross pattern of lines.
It can be used to treat such lines on the face, not only on the face but also décolleté, neck and hands, which are very popular areas. The net effect of MesoBotox is improved sheen of the face with smooth skin, tighter pores and yet the ability to move all the deeper muscles of the face thus retaining a natural, non ‘frozen’ appearance.
Considering the small amounts of Botox that are given via this technique, it targets only the very superficial muscles that sometimes pull on the skin creating very fine lines and wrinkle effect on the skin. The patient is able to fully move all muscles and there are no changes in expression. If they want to treat things like frown lines or crows feet properly then they should have a proper Botox Treatment which involves much higher doses and it is a completely different type of treatment form MesoBotox.
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